• How to Help Your Child at Home



    Read together every day.

    Spark your child's imagination by looking at clouds and other patterns in nature and making up stories.

    Play word games like Boggle and Scrabble.

    Make up songs and poems with rhyming words together.

    Make sure your child is doing Moby Max (Phonics, Spelling, Language, and Reading) at least 45 minutes a week.


    Number Sense and Math

    Make sure your child is doing Moby Max (Math and Math Fluency) at least 45 minutes a week.

    Integrate Math at home by playing games with the family, singing facts,  and showing your child real-life problems at the store, etc.

    Understood.org on Developing Number Sense

    aaamath.com  Click grade on top, then specific skill.

    ixl.com   Click on grade, then specific skill.