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    Dear Sixth Grader,


         Welcome to 6th Grade!  We hope you had a terrific summer!!  We are glad to have you be a part of 6BC and super excited to be back in the classroom this year!!  We are eager to meet you and start an awesome 6th grade school year!  There are so many exciting things to do and learn this year.  We will be diving deeper into reading, writing, and math, and engaging in group and individual projects in Science and Social Studies. 

         You can find the 6th Grade Supply List on the main Chesterfield School homepage.  The items listed on the supply list will help you to be an organized student in sixth grade.  It would be helpful if you could have all of these supplies during the first week of school.  

          Please plan to work together with your teachers and classmates to make this year a very successful one. Remember to bring an open mind and a positive attitude with you to class on the first day and every day!  Get ready for a super year in sixth grade!


    Your teachers,

    Mrs. Biddle and Mrs. Cronin