Chesterfield Township School District Preschool
Click Here for Preschool Expansion Frequently Asked Questions
Preschool Registration: Preschool Expansion Registration will be based on an annual lottery system starting in January 2025 through the 2028-2029 school year. The annual lottery will open in February of each year and the following year's enrollment spots will be selected at the March or April BOE meetings.
Registration Requirements: Students must be residents of Chesterfield Township and must be three years of age by October 1st of the registering school year.
Please direct any questions to
Preschool Students with a Disability: Little Dragon's Inclusive Preschool Program
The Chesterfield Township School District's Little Dragons inclusive preschool program provides an opportunity for our 3- and 4-year-old students with special needs to learn and grow alongside their typically developing peers.
Eligibility for specially designed public school preschool programming is defined by N.J.A.C. 6A:14 & determined and developed by the district's Child Study Team. If you have a preschool child with special needs, have any concerns about your child’s development, or if you are concerned that your child is a Preschool Child with a Disability, please choose one of the following:
- Call 609-298-3027
- Schedule an informal meeting with Cindy McNally, Preschool Intervention & Referral Specialist at -or-
- Submit an official letter of referral for evaluation to the Chesterfield Department of Special Services c/o Dr. Melissa Carlton, Supervisor of Special Services & Early Childhood Education to