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Prone Prop Play

Prone Prop Play    (aka tummy time)                                                                    

good for all ages



 …”prone on elbows" is when one is on their belly on a flat and firm surface like the floor, and propped up on the elbows, supporting the upper body and neck/head with the use of the shoulder girdle and back muscles (not resting the chin on the hands or the floor).  When in this position the neck is in extension which activates the brain stem, and this is very regulating for the nervous system.  (taken from Angie Voss OTR/L


 Additional benefits include: 


*  Facilitates shoulder strength and stability needed for fine motor and visual motor development.  


*  promotes eye hand coordination- see picture below


*  provides tactile input to the entire body that is touching the floor


*  helps with prone extension , a developmental posture  


 Notice the eye gaze toward the hands----------------------------------------


Ways to make it easier:  

- roll a towel and place under chest

- Incorporate high interest activities to play with on the floor