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First Grade

(Week of 3/16)
This week have the students practice the vocabulary in the following links. 
(Week of 3/23)
This week I would like for the students to create a poster where they will have to draw their favorite pets and farm animals and label them in Spanish. Please take a picture and send it to:

(Week of March 30)

This week have the students practice the vocabulary in the following links for 40 minutes, and then complete the Rags to Riches game.


(Week of April 6)

This week have the students practice the vocabulary in the following link for 40 minutes.


Los Animales Salvajes-Wild Animals


(Week of April 20)
Hello, first grade students and parents. I hope you are all doing well and are safe. I have created a google classroom for all my first grade students. I hope that by doing this I am going to be able to post some videos so they can see and hear me. Also, I would like to set up some google meets during the week so we can have a chance to talk to each other and I can answer questions that they might have. 
Please use the Google Classroom code below to access your Spanish class.  Each week a new Spanish activity and video will be posted. Most assignments will be able to be submitted through Google Classroom.  Please hold on to all other work and creations until we return to school.
Instructions on how to join new classroom:

1. Open Google Classroom
2. Look at the top right corner and click the plus sign

3. Put in the code: 

4. Once you finish putting in the code, click "join class"
(Week of April 27)

Assignment for this week has been posted in google classroom.


(Week of May 4) 

Assignment for this week has been posted in the new remote learning google classroom.